The Climate Change Field Station is intended to provide for visitors the full body experience of a conserver lifestyle, in a setting that demonstrates the wise use of appropriate technology. The intention is to create an environment that provides the comforts of life while minimizing the use of greenhouse gas-producing energy systems. The centrepiece of the station is a floating classroom designed to accommodate a high school science class of 30 and to facilitate climate change research centred on the lake ecosystem. The goal is to integrate all systems into a sustainable whole, while creating a unique learning environment of such interest and quality, as to present a viable alternative to the norm.
In addition to being functional, the building is also designed to reveal its 'nature' and to allow interpretation and analysis of its component parts. The monocoque form of the structure; of an asymmetrical capsule joined to six large plastic foam floats by a steel frame of legs, is a synthesis of expressive form with ecological function. The form of the building is designed to be aerodynamic on the outside while encouraging passive ventilation on the inside. The field station attempts to balance technology with a responsible level of comfort.
*Monocoque - an aircraft or vehicle structure in which the chassis is integral with the body